Dhenkanal District’s has an antique tradition of art and culture. The District’s handicraft industry has been extensively and highly praised for its finesse. Its Dokra casting works, Brass/ Bell Metal works, Horn works, Straw works, Wood and stone carvings, Bamboo works, Tribal Jewellery works, Silver filigree works, Soft toys, Art textiles, Artistic pottery works and Woollen carpets have earned a remarkable fame and have got much demand in domestic as well as international market.

The diverse culture Dhenkanal can be rightly seen with the different religious groups of people residing there. This district has been flourished with different Hindu sects like Saivaism, Baishnavism, and Shaktism etc. along with Buddhism. This is the place where the Mahima Dharma originally originated. Every year it begins on ‘Magha Purnima’ and continues for four days at Jorondo. Bullock festival of Bhuban has a special identity. Racing competition is held among the bullocks and prizes are awarded to the owners. There are a number of literary, cultural and dramatic organizations functioning in the District which play a vital role in the development of the socio cultural life of its people.